
Sunday, December 12, 2010

10 Months - Week 2

On Monday at school, Santa came to take pictures with the kids. Too bad Cate was still feeling icky. She no longer had a fever, but still was not feeling well. She stayed in her bed all day at school and played or laid down. So when it was time for the Santa pics, she was not very happy she was taken from her bed.

By Tuesday, Cate was feeling much better. So much so she felt like dancing!

She has gotten good at mimicking movements or words. She will smack the couch when you smack the couch. She is getting closer to waving. She picks her hand up and will stare at her hand but hasn't mastering moving it back and forth fully. She has also started trying to mimic what you say. Mike said "oh dang it" when he dropped something and Cate said "ohhh da" right after him. At school on Wednesday, one of the teachers said "Ian! Ian!" when Ian started playing in the paint they were using to do a project and Cate said "Ia! Ia!" right after her.

She also attempts to answer you when you say something or ask something. This morning we turned on Super Why? A show on PBS that she likes. It's more interactive, which I think she likes. The characters read a story and help teach letters and reading. One character this morning asked "what letter is this" and Cate said "ahh!" (it was the letter 'W' lol) then the character asked "What sound does 'W' make?" and Cate answered "ahhh!" Then the character asked "what does this say?" and Cate answered "da! da!" lol She only answered when the character asked a question! It was too funny!


Cajunrose said...

So cute!!! I can't wait to see her again!

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