
Monday, January 31, 2011

11 Months - Week 4

Cate is cutting more teeth. She has her 8 front teeth in, but she's working on the molars and such now. She had a little case of diarrhea because of it. It didn't last but a day or two, thankfully though.
I believe, also as a result of the teething, that Cate decided not to eat dinner for a few nights. It became most difficult on Monday night when Mike and I took her with us on our anniversary dinner. She did not want to eat or be put down. So I didn't eat dinner that night either as a result.

Cate is still randomly taking steps. We have yet to catch any on video yet since she does it so randomly and only a couple at a time. I'm sure she will just get up and take off one day with no warning!

We had family come in to visit for the weekend. My Uncle Steve, Aunt Euvah, cousin Stephenie and cousin Raelee came in for the weekend. Cate and Raelee enjoyed playing together so much! Friday night at dinner, we all laughed at Cate eating invisible food from a spoon fed to her by Aunt Euvah! She sat there for several minutes eating the invisible food and chewing the invisible food. She would then open her mouth ready for more invisible food! It was too funny! We all had a great visit!

I unfortunately took no pics over the week and none over the weekend. Aunt Euvah and Stephenie took some photos but I don't have any of them yet. When I get some I'll be sure to share! I have one from last night of Cate hugging my very old My Buddy doll. :)

I got the pics my Aunt Euvah took from their visit! Enjoy! :)

Pictures from Stephenie!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

11 Months - Week 3

Cate has been working on walking. Slowly. She took three steps consecutively at school on Wednesday. She took one step for us at home on Friday. She took four consecutive steps for Mike yesterday. She was very excited that she took so many steps.  And then she took two steps today. She still would prefer walking with her dino than walk on her own. 

We are still trying to give Cate solid food. Sometimes she wants it and sometimes she doesn't. We have also been trying her sippy cup more and more. Same thing, sometimes she will drink from it and sometimes she wont.

After several nights having a hard time going to sleep and not napping well, Cate has gone back to napping well and even laughed/giggled herself to sleep three nights in a row. It was beyond funny and I have n o idea why she did it! The first night, I was trying to her calm her down before bed, fed her and then laid her down. She got up and down several times then finally stayed down. She attempted to turn over again so I held her leg down. She started laughing like I was tickling her. I started laughing because she was laughing. Mike came and in and asked what we were doing. Cate was laying there with her eyes shut giggling. We walked out of the room and she continued to laugh and then eventually went to sleep. She did the same thing the next two nights.

Cate has been dancing more often. She hits her dino to get him to play music so she can dance. She will also dance when we play music around the house.

Sorry for the lack of pictures this week. I haven't been able to catch her taking steps yet and with the short week we were pretty busy. I did just snap this one of her deciding which blanket she likes best.

Monday, January 17, 2011

11 Months - Week 2

Cate has been enjoying the playoffs with us!

Cate has started playing the next classroom at school. It will be the room she moves to next after she starts walking. She played in the other classroom for a long time. She danced (shaking her foot), read books, and played in the 'kitchen' with the other little ones.

Cate had her 8th tooth break through. She's been working on putting them to good use too. She been eating more solids, mostly off my plate. But she's eating! She has some rice, broccoli and cheese and she had some beans and rice at a Mexican restaurant we went to.

Cate has begun associating "Da" and Mike together. We ask her who he is when pointing at him and she hollers "Da". Now, she still says it at random other times but I think it counts as something. :)

When walking with her Dino, she'll bump into a wall or something and holler "Da" for Mike to come turn her around or get her un-stuck. She has also started turning to look for him and waving her hand at him to come turn her around.

Cate took her first attempt at a step all by herself yesterday afternoon. She immediately fell down. Then later, she took a smaller step all by herself and didn't fall! I couldn't coax her to try it again though.

She has been in a non-pant wearing mood lately. I picked her up from school on Friday and they told me Cate has refused to wear her pants most of the day. She also brought this same mood home over the weekend.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

11 Months - Week 1

Cate went back to school this week. She did well transitioning back. Monday was a little rough, but the following days she went right back to her normal routine.

Not only was Cate battling her ear infection going into this week, she had two teeth trying to cut their way through! I didn't realize it until one of the teeth was completely cut in! The other is almost there. This will give Cate 8 teeth total so far! Once the tooth came in, Cate's fussiness decreased tremendously! We thought it had been due to the ear infection. By Tuesday, she was a very happy, playful baby!

I took Cate to the doctor to follow-up on her ear infection on Friday. The doc checked her out and said that it looks like she has a molar trying to come in too! She checked her ears and was impressed at how great her ears looked after only 10 days of the antibiotics! She said we didn't need to give her anymore antibiotics! I hope that was our last ear infection!

Cate is getting a better hang of her dino walker. She loves to walk around the living room and kitchen over and over again. She doesn't know how to steer him yet, so we still have to help. But she walks with it easily by herself now. She watches her feet as she's walking instead of where she is going. And she likes it to play music when she's walking. When it stops, she reached up and hits his head to coax him to play music again.

These are pics of nothing in particular. Mike was doing dishes and Cate came in and decided to help.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

10 Months - Week 4 Part 2

Not sure if I got off count, but Cate this was the last week Cate is 10 months old. She will be 11 months old on Jan. 4. Which means we are about a month shy of Cate turning a year old! Can you believe it!?

This week we all had the week off. Cate's school was closed so Mike and I took the week off to spend with Cate and try to get some things done around the house. When we got home from Shreveport for Christmas, Cate had come down with a cold. She started running fever. We got the fever down but it would come back. I decided to take her to the doctor on Wednesday. The doc said her cold was just a typical cold the she picked up, nothing in her chest. But when she checked her ears, we found the reason for Cate's fussiness and why she wasn't sleeping well. Cate has an ear infection. We started her on antibiotics and benadryl (for the cold).

Since we started her on the antibiotics and some tylenol for the pain, Cate has been a lot better. She went from laying around and not willing the play to up and around again. She is still fussy from time to time and till having a little issue getting to sleep but nothing like before we started the meds. The fever has been gone and the cold is still lingering some. We will go back after about 10 days to see the doc again and check on her ear to make sure the infection is all gone. So until then, we stick with the antibiotics and tylenol.

While home Cate has gotten to enjoy many of her Christmas gifts. She tried out a couple our first day home since it was game day!

Cate also tried out her new walking Dino. We've been trying to get her to take steps while she's standing and she will not do it. She wants to hold on to you or something before taking a step. Or if she is standing, she will sit down and crawl to you instead of taking a step. So we started working with her and the dinosaur walker to get her moving. I was worried about letting her push off by herself with it, so I walked/crawled behind her as she pushed. At one point, I let go for a second and she took off with him! She didn't go for long because she realized I wasn't behind her. We need to get her used to doing it alone.

Tomorrow we start back to work/school. Hopefully getting back to that routine will not be too hard for Cate.