
Monday, April 18, 2011

14 Months - Week 3

Cate had a rough week teething. She has her molars still coming in and her canines coming in too. She is a drool factory! She actually has a few spots under her chin where the drool has caused little blisters.

Cate has become a follower. She will follow you around the house and follows everyone around at daycare. She wants to know what everyone is doing. Definitely an explorer! She is very curious about everything. She's become much more observant. She will stare out the window looking at the leaves blowing in the wind. She wants to see everything and wants to get into the cabinets more and explore more around the house/yard. She's become much more comfortable walking around in the grass. She also goes straight for the street, which is something we'll have to work on!

I took her to the park to play and she was quick to go down the slide and climb back up it! She also let me put her in the swing! She loved it!

Cate still very much loves "reading" books. She will pull her books down, pull them over to you, sit in your lap and hold up the book. She flips the pages and points at the pictures. She still won't sit long enough to allow you to read the entire book to her.

She is still a great eater and a great sleeper! She goes right down for a nap and goes right down for bed and sleeps great! Her favorite foods are still peas and carrots, mostly carrots. She also enjoys crackers, scrambled eggs, potatoes, rice and beans.

Cate has been dancing more and has also discovered clapping. It is very cute to watch! She pulls out her laptop, pushes the buttons until she finds one that plays music, then starts dancing and clapping.


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