
Monday, April 11, 2011

14 Months - Week 2

Cate had a great first week at school. Her schedule at home has been modified some but she's doing great. She is now down to one nap a day during the week and goes to bed a little earlier.

She is basically 100% on solid foods. She eats very well at school everyday and at home. Her most favorite foods are peas and carrots. Who knew a child could love veggies so much!?

Cate is cutting in more molars, which is always a difficult time. She's very fussy and always develops a diaper rash. But as quickly as she's been sprouting teeth, the whole teething experience should be over soon!

Cate went over to our close friends Charlie and Ashley's to play with Little Charlie, Bailey and Natalie on Friday. She did fine and even fell asleep over there. Daddy picked her up and put her to bed and she stayed asleep and slept all night. :)

Daddy says: "It's too early for this!"


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