
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

16 Months - Week 2

Cate started in her new class room this week. She has moved up with bigger kids. She did fairly well, but the biggest difference Daddy can tell is that the kids are much louder and she has to yell alot to be heard because she has started grunting alot and pitching fits more at home!  She has started drinking juice and water much easier now at home, as well.
Cate has had a good visit with her Aunt Courtney. They played together in the on Friday.  Cate wanted to get in and out of the pool most of the time, but enjoyed splashing around in the water quite a bit.

Cate was teething really hard again this weekend with lots of drool and mouth aches.  Aunt Courtney says these are the K9s coming in, so hopefully these are the last ones. Cate also had a slight fever at school yesterday. The school called and said they would give her some Tylenol before her nap and see how she felt afterwards. She may or may not be going to the doctor today if she is still running a fever.
Seth also came to visit over the weekend.  It took Cate a little time to warm up, but she was wanting him to pick her up and play hats with him before he left.


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