
Monday, March 14, 2011

13 Months - Week 2

We had a late, late night earlier last week. Cate has been cutting in molars. She had a few rough nights getting to sleep and one night of not wanting to stay asleep. We eventually had to just let her cry and soothe herself back to sleep. We tried to help her at first, but quickly realized there wasn't anything we could do.
Last week was rodeo week at school. I don't have any pictures of any of the events since they were all during the day. They had farm animals (which I was told she loved), a wagon ride, a hoe-down (which she also loved dancing and the music), and a 'pony' ride parade (stick ponies). It was a fun week at school!

Cate didn't go to school on Friday. She spent the day and the remaining weekend with GrandCat and Meaux. They came to watch Cate for the weekend while Mommy and Daddy ran away. They all greatly enjoyed each others company!


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