Cate is 10 months old!
Cate now has 6 teeth in. She's been chewing more on her fingers trying to reach to back of her mouth. So I guess she's getting closer to cutting more teeth. She still puts everything in her mouth, except maybe actual food! haha We are still trying to get her to eat more solids and get off the baby food. It's not really working out right now.

Cate now has 6 teeth in. She's been chewing more on her fingers trying to reach to back of her mouth. So I guess she's getting closer to cutting more teeth. She still puts everything in her mouth, except maybe actual food! haha We are still trying to get her to eat more solids and get off the baby food. It's not really working out right now.

On Friday, I got a call that Cate had a fever of 101 and needed to be sent home. Mike went to pick her up and got her down for her afternoon nap. When I got home from work and after her nap, we took her temp again and it was up to 103. I called the doctor and she said that after sleep your temp is typically up, give her some Tylenol and a warm bath and if it was still high in the morning to bring her in. Cate ate normal and played normal. She was pretty tired though. She would play then come lay on me for a minute then play again and then lay on me. She did this off and on for an hour. We gave her a bath then put her down for bed. Her temp was 100 when she went to bed. In the morning, we got her up, she ate and we went to the store. After we got home I took her temp again and it was 99. She ate and played normally the rest of the day, but I continued to take her temp just to be sure. She stayed around 99 throughout the day. This morning Cate's temp was 98. I can only blame the cold we have all been fighting to the fever.
Saturday, we started putting up Christmas decorations in and outside the house. Even though Mike and I were in the house last year for Christmas, we have not put up decorations before. Last year, we had just moved in, I was pregnant and on bed rest, so we have an excuse for last year! But none this year!
Saturday, we started putting up Christmas decorations in and outside the house. Even though Mike and I were in the house last year for Christmas, we have not put up decorations before. Last year, we had just moved in, I was pregnant and on bed rest, so we have an excuse for last year! But none this year!
We then went outside and helped Daddy put up lights. Cate checked bulbs while Mike put them up. Then that night, since it was warmer out, we went for a walk to see neighborhood lights.
Sunday, we braved the mall and went Christmas shopping.
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