Cate was running some fever last Saturday, so in an attempt to help her fever we let Cate take a longer bath than usual. We decided to fill up her tub and see if she would splash around some. Boy, did she! She soaked the kitchen! She really enjoyed playing in the water!
Cate was good to go on Sunday, no more fever, but still has a cough. During the week she began holding her toungue differently and discovered she could make new noises. She started with "ca", "ca". It sounded like she was trying to sey "Cate". But it soon turned into "da" "da" We are not counting it as "first word" since she does not associate saying "da-da" with Mike yet.
Cate has learned to put her pacifier in her mouth. It's not a completely mastered skill yet, but she has done it a few times. Only a matter of time before she has it down.
A bunch of family came in over the weekend to visit and celebrate Mike's sister's (Courtney) 21st birthday! Meaux, Banta, Cathy, Bill, Courtney, Danny and Jennifer all came to stay for the weekend. We think Cate is teething again. She's been grabbing at her ear and been a little more fussy lately. But overall is doing pretty good with it.
With the family in town, Cate stayed on track for the most part. In the evenings it was alittle more difficult to get her to bed with all the excitement of the day. We all went to eat at Floyd's one night and Cate got a hold of a cracker. She seemed to really like it. She mostly gummed it until it got soggy. I'm not too sure how much if it she actaully ate.
Cate has started throwing her head back when you hold her so she can see things upside down. It's really funny and she enjoys being upside down to see. She laughs and thinks it's funny. She will continue to throw her head back repeatedly until you get too tired holding her upside down.
We moved on to peas this week after finishing the bananas. We tried to peas twice while out to eat, so she was either very distracted or did not care for the peas at all. She did make a few nasty faces when she had some. I decided to pull the peas and try carrots instead, which went much better.
The last night everyone was here, we all went out in the back yard, I tried to see how Cate would do sitting in the grass herself. She was not a fan! We tried to make it more fun for her and she did come around some, but she doesn't really know what to think of the grass yet. I look forward to when it cools off some more and I came get her on a blanket in the yard. We did stand her up and she is wanting to take steps. So she and Mike "walked" around the yard some.
We also got her in the tub to play again for everoyne to see. She played for a little while and then remembered how tired she was. Bath ended soon after and we tried to put her down for bed. It took much longer than normal. So much going on it was hard to get her to settle down.
Today after everyone left, we did a little shopping for some bigger 9 month clothes for Cate. She's getting too tall for her clothes! After shopping she took an extra long nap. She has been playing in her activity center and has finally figured out how the penguin toy works! She has now mastered all the toys on her activity enter now!
Oh how I love these catch up posts! You will love coming back to read them someday as well. You know you can make a book from your blogs right? I bet peas is not on her list of yummy things - I know few kids that actually liked the baby food peas. Grass is also something little ones don't care for - I think they are so used to soft and smooth that it takes time to get used to something as weird as grass :-) Thanks for sharing.
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