Cate survived her first full weekend of football. College ball all day Saturday and pro all day Sunday. She played really well while we were upstairs watching pro ball on Sunday last weekend. She played so much she even tired herself out and needed to lay down for a minute.
She was not wanting to eat most of this last week. We have tried peas and carrots several times but have given up for now. I will go back to carrots again after we can get her eating again. I think the peas are a no go. We went back to green beans again, and she was not a fan at first but finally finished them. I realize now I should have given her all the containers of that flavor of food before moving on to the next. She really like dthe green beans when we first started but then didnt want them when we came back to them. I was just too excited to try the different foods. Oh well!
Cate is becoming more independent in playing by herself for longer periods of time. She can hang out in one place and play for a lot longer than she used to. She is so close to crawling now too. She gets up on all fours and has moved both hands forward a few times. She hasn't figured out how to move her legs just yet. But the rocking still persists and she has started head-banging too. haha!
She's getting stronger though with the head-banging and rocking. I even caught her trying to pull herself up in her bouncy chair!
We are no longer allowed to sleep in on the weekends. Cate is so used to waking up at 530 during the week that her internal alarm clock goes off at 530 on the weekend too. She is mostly quite in her bed when she wakes up. Mike tried this weekend leaving her in the bed and seeing what she would do. She kind of lightly talks to herself and moves around a little for about 30-60 minutes then falls asleep again for about 30 minutes. Then she's really awake and ready to eat.
She has been pretty consistant in taking a good nap mid-morning and a good nap in the afternoon. Towards bed time she's pretty tired too. Somestimes takes a little time to actually go to sleep at night, but eventually gets there. We have been putting her in her bed and walking away immediately, to get her used to calming herself and getting to sleep on her own. We only have to go back in a couple times to give her her blanket back or her pacifier back.
We have noticed that one of her top teeth is poking though now. So we are battling crankiness and fussiness more often now. We have been trying to beat her diaper rash before it gets too bad. She has a runny nose alot now too because of the teething. But for the most part, it's been going okay. We tried soothing her with a frozen waffle, but it got too mushy really fast. My MIL suggested teething biscuits, but I haven't seen any at the store. If anyone knows where I can find some, please let me know! Her bottom teeth are more visible now. When she grins you can seem them easily.
We bought some new baby food this week but haven't tried any yet. It is Stage 2 food so this means we have alot more flavors to pick from. Chicken and apples, Turkey and sweet potatoes, Ham, pineapple and gravy. Yum? Can't wait to have her try them out.
Cate's Uncle Danny and GranCat came for a visit this weekend. Danny came to get his computer that Mike built him and Cathy came along to spend more time with Cate. We had a good weekend with everyone. Unfortunatly it rained most of the weekend so we still couldn't go outside to try out Cate's new outside toy.
Picked back up eating well again. Last three nights for dinner Cate has eaten half a veggie container and a whole container of fruit and half a 6 oz. bottle! She's a growing baby! One evening while eating she also discovered my wedding rings and was too dsitracted to eat while she played with my rings. She's already attracted to diamonds! ha!
I have decided to try my hand at knitting a hat. I think my first hat went great! Here's Cate showing it off. :)
Adorable hat you made her. I teethed Steph and Jeremy on cold carrots. Not little ones, but a big one peeled. Any raw veggie that is cold and hard - they loved them. Steph made her own teething biscuits, but honestly, they get slimy. The do work though... lol... I am so glad you are doing this. It keeps us up to date with her. Love it!
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