In an attempt to keep up with what is happening in Cate's world, both for myself and family/friends, I have decided to create this blog. I hope to update it weekly, at least, with all things new with Cate!
I realize that I am actually starting this late. Cate is 6 and a half months old already! I considered attempting to back track and start from the beginning and play catch up, which I may still do. But I have never done a blog and I'm not sure how it all works, as far as the dates go. So I may just have to start now and work my way forward and just not include the first 6 months. We'll see.
So, until I figure it all out, I suppose this concludes my first blog posting, which turned out to be not so much about Cate as it was me rambling on how I'm going to do this! Ha!
Cate looks so much like her AC2!! Thank you for sharing with us. We look forward to EVERY post.
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