Cate is cutting more teeth. She has her 8 front teeth in, but she's working on the molars and such now. She had a little case of diarrhea because of it. It didn't last but a day or two, thankfully though.
I believe, also as a result of the teething, that Cate decided not to eat dinner for a few nights. It became most difficult on Monday night when Mike and I took her with us on our anniversary dinner. She did not want to eat or be put down. So I didn't eat dinner that night either as a result.
Cate is still randomly taking steps. We have yet to catch any on video yet since she does it so randomly and only a couple at a time. I'm sure she will just get up and take off one day with no warning!
We had family come in to visit for the weekend. My Uncle Steve, Aunt Euvah, cousin Stephenie and cousin Raelee came in for the weekend. Cate and Raelee enjoyed playing together so much! Friday night at dinner, we all laughed at Cate eating invisible food from a spoon fed to her by Aunt Euvah! She sat there for several minutes eating the invisible food and chewing the invisible food. She would then open her mouth ready for more invisible food! It was too funny! We all had a great visit!
I unfortunately took no pics over the week and none over the weekend. Aunt Euvah and Stephenie took some photos but I don't have any of them yet. When I get some I'll be sure to share! I have one from last night of Cate hugging my very old My Buddy doll. :)

I got the pics my Aunt Euvah took from their visit! Enjoy! :)
Cate is still randomly taking steps. We have yet to catch any on video yet since she does it so randomly and only a couple at a time. I'm sure she will just get up and take off one day with no warning!
We had family come in to visit for the weekend. My Uncle Steve, Aunt Euvah, cousin Stephenie and cousin Raelee came in for the weekend. Cate and Raelee enjoyed playing together so much! Friday night at dinner, we all laughed at Cate eating invisible food from a spoon fed to her by Aunt Euvah! She sat there for several minutes eating the invisible food and chewing the invisible food. She would then open her mouth ready for more invisible food! It was too funny! We all had a great visit!
I unfortunately took no pics over the week and none over the weekend. Aunt Euvah and Stephenie took some photos but I don't have any of them yet. When I get some I'll be sure to share! I have one from last night of Cate hugging my very old My Buddy doll. :)

I got the pics my Aunt Euvah took from their visit! Enjoy! :)
Pictures from Stephenie!